Author Archives: shaun
If you are headed down to the garden route and are looking to target some of our amazing local species on fly, then Deon from Tidal Loops is the guy to contact. Deon focuses on various areas around Plettenberg Bay and lives in the area so he has a vast amount of knowledge, experience and […]
Fly fishing for around 23 years I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way that I always enjoy sharing. Moving from the enthusiast fly angler into a fly fishing company owner, product designer and tester has brought new challenges but at the same time has rapidly increased my knowledge base. Having […]
If someone was to ask me “What is your favorite material to tie flies with?” , my answer would be simple, “Zonker!” Zonker is another name for rabbit fur strips. To me there is nothing more versatile, action creating and pure fish producing than a nice strip of soft Zonker. Its raw fish attracting ability […]
I am sure I am not alone when I see those high end fly fishing reels and their astonishing designs and think, “Wow! imagine owning one of those?” Pushing the boundaries and design elements are what really matters to me not only as a small business owner but as a designer and avid fly fisherman […]
Why do I fly fish?